A landline phone connects to analog systems such as optical fiber cables or wires. Voice over IP uses an internet connection to make calls. You use your same phone, but it hooks up to an adapter so that it can receive internet signals. It is available for both residential and commercial use.

What Are the Advantages of VoIP?

VoIP offers significant benefits to both residential and commercial customers who switch from a landline. The advantages are a little greater for businesses who use a PBX NYC NY. Digitizing voice communication makes VoIP compatible with the latest technologies. It offers new functionalities such as voicemail-to-text transcription. With a strong internet connection, you can get a better sound, and because it connects to the internet, you can use it anywhere. It is less expensive to set up multiple phone lines to a VoIP system, and long-distance calling can take place with no extra charge with an app. Businesses can benefit from a virtual receptionist that can direct calls based on input from the caller.

What Are the Disadvantages of VoIP?

For all the many advantages of VoIP, there are also potential downsides. The many features and functionalities of VoIP work great as long as the internet remains up and running. If the internet goes down, you no longer have the ability to make phone calls. This can put your business at a distinct disadvantage since you are not able to call your internet service provider to find out what the problem is.

VoIP systems also require electricity to run. Therefore, they are virtually useless in an emergency situation in which the power goes out. Even if the power stays on in an emergency, not all VoIP systems support emergency call service because of their un-traceability. Only with the addition of Enhanced 911 service that sets a physical address for the system can VoIP calls be used to call emergency services.

Traditional analog systems still work when the power and internet go down but have other limitations.